Canada with the largest forest product trade balance – roughly $19 billion a year, has been a key lumber provider in North America next to USA. The forestry can be an industry that operates on precision just like all other industries now days.
In many of construction activities such as building a transmission line, a substation, a road, a pipeline or an oil sands development, flagging the land to be cleared is always required by the forestry contractor. The purpose of the ribbons hang on the tree branches or stakes on the ground is to provide forestry clearing sub-contractors with visualized warning of where the parameter of the designated area that needs to be cleared (trees to be cut). The ribbons and stakes placed by surveyor or other forestry workers keeps the machine operators aware and not trespass. Hiring sub-contractors to flag the working area is costly with averagely cost of $2,500 ~ $5,000/linear kilometer.
LocSmart can help forestry fleets with our unique Ribbonless Harvesting or Clearing solutions based on GPS/GIS technology.
High Accuracy: The flexible GPS configuration can provide centimeter to meter level accuracy positioning information of the clearing machine. The tablet application will constantly monitor the clearing machine location compare with professional land surveyor provided and verified work area limits. The tablet application will use visual and audio warnings to alert the machine operator when the clearing machine is too close to the clearing limits or any trespass occurs.
Low Cost: Compare with the expensive flagging cost, the cost of the ribbon-less solution is significantly low.
Easy to manage: The track of the clearing machine will be logged and automatically uploaded to the server at the end of the day so the project manager in office can easily view the work in progress on a map via web browser. If the working area is changed, the new working area boundary will be automatically downloaded into the system before the start of the day.
Safety: The audio notification and warning free up operators’ hands and vision so that the operator can concentrate on operating the equipment. The level of accuracy minimum the risk of trespassing.